Veco won the top award "Terawatt Diamond Award" at the most influential International Photovoltaic Power Generation Conference & Exhibition, SNEC Shanghai 2016.
Precision Stencil Printing: The latest technology for silicon solar cell manufacturing
In solar cell printing, precision stencils are replacing the conventional wire meshes or emulsion screens as a result of increasing demands for higher cell efficiency against lower costs in the industry. Together with ECN Solar Energy research, Veco developed the next generation of solar cell printing stencils, enabling these demands.
Achieve higher efficiency with electroformed solar cell stencils
Electroformed solar cell stencils in particular proved to be the best choice for solar cell printing. These stencils have considerably higher aspect ratio, feature exceptional paste release properties and print much finer lines. All of which in the end lead to much higher yield and lower costs.
Our tests proved that 0,25% solar cell efficiency improvement is feasible with a 20% saving of silver.
To learn more about Veco's stencils for solar cell printing, download the application note: